Caleb’s Snowman

Children are great teachers.  They stretch and challenge us in ways we need to be stretched and challenged so we don’t get grumpy as we grow older.  I have always enjoyed working with children, especially when they are old enough to let you into their thought life and young enough to still think you are fun to be around.

A few weeks ago, some of our grandchildren were visiting with us.  They learned of the potential for snow and came with all of their snow duds.  For all practical purposes the snowfall  amounted to a dusting to be followed by a day of rain.   But through the eyes of our grandsons, that dusting looked just like the snowfall they were anticipating!    The fact that is was very early on a cold, wet morning was not a deterrent.  My daughter dressed them and sent them out to play.    

One of the boys came in a short time later, cold and wet, but his older brother stayed outside.  He busy was building a snowman!  Remember please that this was a dusting of snow.  No more than you see behind the snowman in the photo above.  Most people would not have even considered building a snowman.  His determination amazed me.  He came in a short time later and proudly announced that he had finished his snowman.  

I chuckled to myself wondering what kind of snowman he could possibly have made with so little snow.  Then I looked outside.   He had diligently gathered all he could, packed it together and formed the snowman.  It had a head and body, sticks for arms and stood strong.  He had formed it so well that it was like packed ice.  I was seriously impressed!

It rained later that day.  The snowman survived the ensuing rain and days of warm weather for quite some time.  What will last even longer is my lesson in determination.  When I feel like there is not enough of what I need, to do what needs to be done; that photo will remind me of what can be accomplished with lots of determination.  Thank you, Caleb!

I hope sharing this lesson will encourage you too as we all feel the squeeze on our resources in these uncertain days.  May you be blessed with an abundance of determination and many children to teach you!


Busy, Bored, Lonely


A Faint Rainbow